There is this thing that happens early sunday mornings that can be viewed as religious. No, we aren't talking about your common churches, we are talking about the rolling gods and bowling alleys. Fight Club! Oops, I wasn't supposed to say it by name.
Well, since its out there! Northway Lanes has been running this tournament for some time now and have done a great job keeping everyone interested in the tournament and trying to change it up from time to time to keep things spicy.
Ted Boltz is the man with the plan. He is putting lots of effort forward to make sure this tournament hits off every sunday and it really does draw the bowlers in! Ted has always been a friendly presence when coming in and trying to get signed up and figure out what is going on. Ted is there to answer any question you may have. You should try and give them a heads up there if you are thinking about going to the tournament so they can properly plan on which lanes are going to be used.
The bowling alley itself has a good amount of lanes, 50 of them to be exact. A nice bar for watching sports anytime of the week when they are open. Large paved parking lot with a delivery ramp that can be used to get your bowling ball bags up to the door without having
to hulk out to get them up the stairs. Nice feature!
There is a good mix of bowlers that attend this sunday morning brawl. Old, young, semi-pro, pwba pro, and everything else in between! Its a fun set up! For anyone who hasn't done it, you bowl 2 games of qualifying, if you are towards the top of qualifying, theres a chance you could get a bye for the next round. Game 3 is setup based on the highest bowlers in qualifying who are not taking their bye against the lowest seeded bowlers. Here is the kicker, the higher qualifying seed, can actually call out any bowler who is has a lower qualifying score than them. Makes things interesting! Taking the lowest seed available for your turn is considered taking your default. This is a one game square off! Winner moves on to the next round.
What is nice about this set up, is everyone gets a shot at match play! This is really nice to help people work on getting comfortable with doing match play. Its also a great way to meet other bowlers! I personally have appreciated all of the bowlers I have come across while bowling this tournament.
As you make it further and further in the rounds, they will be cut in half. Working your way all the way up to the winner!
Throughout the year, there are other little additions they have added. Such as a 300 pot that collects over the entire season, king of the hill cut and there will be others that will be running pots and brackets too! So much available for a low cost entry, generally around $30.
If you are looking for good competition and a little different flavor of a tournament set up, then the Fight Club at Northway in Muskegon, Michigan is the place to be!